Catherine×Ingrid Support Conversations
C Support
カトリーヌ: よし。じゃあ今日の稽古はこれくらいにしておこうか。
Catherine: Phew! Good work. Should we call it a day?
イングリット: はあ、はあ……。あ、ありがとうございました……。
Ingrid: Thank you! Yes, let's. Catherine? If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you something.
カトリーヌ: どうしてアタシの剣はここまで軌道を読めないのか、だろ?
Catherine: Let me guess. You're going to ask why you're so bad at predicting my attacks.
イングリット: はい。上段に来ると思ったら下段に……突きが来ると思ったら払いが来ますし。
Ingrid: When I expect an attack from above, you surprise me from below. When I expect a jab, I get a sweep! You seem to anticipate my anticipation.
カトリーヌ: そりゃ、アンタの性格が真っ正直だからだよ。
Catherine: It's probably because you're a straightforward, honest person.
You're reading my movements and trying to calculate what I'll do next.
イングリット: 先読み……というほどではありませんが、自分なりに予測はしています。
Ingrid: That has always seemed the most sound strategy when engaging in combat, yes.
カトリーヌ: だからさ。アタシはそれを利用して目線や剣先の動きでアンタを釣ってる。
Catherine: Right. Well, I take that anticipation and turn it against you. I use my eyes and the tilt of my sword to mislead you. Catching your opponent off-guard is the trick to staying alive in combat. You've got to keep yourself alive if you want to protect Lady Rhea, right?
イングリット: すべてはレア様をお守りするため……カトリーヌさん、素晴らしいです。
Ingrid: Your dedication to Lady Rhea's safety is truly inspiring, Catherine.
カトリーヌ: はっはっは。随分と持ち上げられたもんだ。
Catherine: You flatter me.
イングリット: 私の夢は、君主に仕える騎士となること。忠義を尽くし、その身辺をお守りする……
Ingrid: My dream is to become a knight and protect my king, no matter the cost. There is no greater purpose I can serve. Although your fealty is sworn to Lady Rhea, you are the ideal knight I aspire to be.
カトリーヌ: 憧れるのは勝手だけどね、アタシは……
Catherine: Admire me to your heart's content, but I'm-
イングリット: カトリーヌさん。私をあなたの弟子にしていただけませんか。
Ingrid: Catherine:, I'd be honored if you would make me your squire.
カトリーヌ: ……本気か? アンタみたいなお利口さんがアタシの弟子なんか向いてないよ。
Catherine: My what now? Oh, you're far too straitlaced to be my squire.
イングリット: もちろん、本気です。向いていないと言われようと構いません。
Ingrid: However you might judge me, I'm quite serious about this.
カトリーヌ: ……やれやれ、わかった。それじゃまずは、男の口説き方からだ。
Catherine: Hm. All right, then. Why not? Let's start by teaching you how to flirt with handsome men!
イングリット: はい! ……えっ?わ、わかりました!
Ingrid: Pardon me? Uh...that can't possibly be where you want to start...
カトリーヌ: はっはっは! 冗談だよ。口説き方なんか、アタシが知りたいさ。
Catherine: Nah, I was just kidding. I wish I knew how to flirt with handsome men. Instead, let's teach you to lighten up.
イングリット: はい……よろしくお願いします!
Ingrid: Ah. Understood!
B Support
カトリーヌ: よし。今日の稽古はこれくらいにしとくか。
Catherine: All right, then. Enough sparring for today?
イングリット: はい、ありがとうございました!
Ingrid: Yes, that should suffice!
カトリーヌ: だいぶ、アタシの目線や剣先の動きに惑わされないようになってきたね。
Catherine: I must say, you've gotten good at seeing through my tricks. I can't mislead you so easily anymore.
イングリット: はい。少しずつ、カトリーヌさんの狙いが読めるようになってきました。
Ingrid: I've made it my goal to read your aim and not give away anything through my body language.
カトリーヌ: でも、体術はまだまだだ。戦場では武器を失っても戦い抜かなきゃな。
Catherine: But in hand-to-hand combat, your form needs work. On the battlefield, even if you lose your weapon, you can't ever stop fighting. Sink your teeth into their throats, kick 'em where it hurts. Do whatever it takes to survive.
イングリット: ……一応、お聞きしたいのですが。実際に、やったことはあるのですか……?
Ingrid: Have you ever needed to employ such methods?
カトリーヌ: 戦場ではないね。そこまで追い詰められたことがない。
Catherine: Not on the battlefield. I've never been in such a dire situation that I needed to. But at the tavern, loads of times! With a well-aimed boot, I've brought many a man to his knees.
イングリット: は、はあ……。
Ingrid: Hahaha! Haha!
カトリーヌ: ま、そういう手段も躊躇わないくらいの覚悟を持って臨めってことだ。
Catherine: My point is, you can't hesitate to use dirty tactics. You have to grit your teeth and fight back.
War isn't as pretty as it's made out to be, in all those poems and songs.
Sometimes, even as a knight, you have to do things that you might think are beneath you.
You might even have to let innocent bystanders die.
Are you prepared for that, Ingrid? Do you really want to be a knight, knowing what it entails?
イングリット: ……何もかも、覚悟の上です。それでも私は、騎士になりたい。
Ingrid: I'm prepared to do whatever is requested of me. Come what may.
I will be a knight who loyally serves my king, just as you loyally serve Lady Rhea.
カトリーヌ: ちょっと間違ってんな。アタシは主に忠実だけど、忠実じゃない。
Catherine: You've got me wrong. I'm loyal to the archbishop, but only up to a point.
I'd do anything in the world for Lady Rhea... except die. If she asked me to die for her, I wouldn't.
Does that sound like a contradiction? Very well. That's just who I am.
イングリット: 忠実だけど、忠実じゃない……?
Ingrid: You're right—it does sound like a contradiction.
With all due respect, that isn't very knightly of you. I'm not sure I fully understand...
カトリーヌ: そうだね……アンタは真面目すぎるから、きっと時間がかかるだろうよ。
Catherine: You will someday. Maybe not for a while, but you will. In the meantime, just don't die. OK?
イングリット: ……はい。何をしてでも生き残る、ですね。肝に銘じます、師匠。
Ingrid: I'll try my best.